

ピティナ・ピアノコンペティションC級全国決勝大会 銅賞。
大学在学中より演奏活動を始め、ザ・フェニックスホール(大阪)、スタインウェイホール(NY) 、バロックザール(京都)等でリサイタルを開催。
2015年より、ピティナ・公開録音コンサートに出演、多数の音源を提供している。これまでに、ピアノを渡部由記子、小畠時栄、岡原慎也、黒田亜樹、ブルーノ・メッツェーナ、東 誠三各氏に、伴奏法を諏訪明子氏に、チェンバロを大塚直哉氏に師事。

Erika Tokita

Born in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan.
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a Major in piano after completing the Music High School attached to the Faculty of Music Tokyo University of the Arts. Obtained a Master's degree from the Graduate School of Music of Tokyo University of the Arts.
Received the Doseikai Prize upon graduation from the undergraduate program and performed at the Doseikai Newcomer Concert and the Yamaha Music College Festival 2011. Upon completion of the Master's program, chosen for the Joint Recital of Excellence in Piano performance.
Teaching Assistant at the Graduate School of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts, 2011-2013. Completed the advanced course at the Accademia Musicale Pescarese in Italy.
Bronze Prize in the PTNA Piano Competition Class C National Finals.
Won the Second Prize in the junior high school division of the 56th All Japan Student Music Competition in Osaka.
Second Prize in the Junior Section of the Valsesia International Competition in Italy.
Won the Second Prize at the Camillo Togni International Competition in Italy and the Special Encouragement Prize at the 39th Wakayama Prefecture Newcomers' Concert in 2011.
Started performing while still in college, giving recitals at the Phoenix Hall (Osaka), Steinway Hall (NY), Barocksaal (Kyoto), and other venues.
Performed with the Philharmonia of the Tokyo University of the Arts, the New York City Opera Orchestra of NY, and others.
From 2015, has performed in PTNA public recording concerts and has provided extensive sound sources for the PTNA Piano Channel (YouTube).
Studied piano with Yukiko Watanabe, Tokie Kobatake, Shinya Okahara, Aki Kuroda, Bruno Mezzena, and Seizo Azuma, accompaniment method with Akiko Suwa, and harpsichord with Naoya Otsuka.
Changed the artist name from "Erika Yamamoto" to "Erika Tokita" in 2017.